Tutorial 1: Shadow Generations stage mod

Welcome to the first beginner tutorial for Shadow Generations modding!

Here you will learn the basics of how to modify and create your own stage geometry mod.

In this example, we will modify Kingdom Valley Act 1.


This tutorial expects you know about the basics of working with blender!

This includes:

  • Navigating the blender UI

  • Understanding and working with…
    • Collections

    • Objects (creating, moving, organizing, etc)

    • Object properties

  • How blender materials work

Part 0: The tools

Before we begin, you should make sure you have all the tools needed:

Part 1: Preparing the files

First, you will want to prepare the files needed for the mod to run in the first place.

Creating the mod

Before we touch any files, let’s first create the mod that will hold all the final files:

  1. Open HedgeModManager

  2. Select Shadow Generations

  3. Click the “Add Mod” button

  4. Select “Making one (for developers!)”

  5. Enter your name in the “Author” field and change the title to “HEIO Tutorial 1” (or whatever you want it to be named)

  6. Press “Ok”

This should create and open a new directory for your mod, where we will put the files needed to get everything working.

Which files?

Open the directory in which SXSG is installed. The easiest way to do this is by right clicking the game in your steam launcher, going to “manage” and clicking “Browse local files”.


How to open the directory where SXSG is installed

Shadow Generations stores all stage specific files under /image/x64/raw/stage, so navigate there. Inside that directory, you are met with many more directories and .pac files, but none of them are named after the actual stage names! what now?

Sonic Team organizes the stage by the zone and act (or challenge) numbers, which are documented here. Going by that list, Kingdom Valley Act 1 should be stored under w03a10.

Inside that directory you will find more .pac files, which is exactly what we are looking for! These are like .zip files invented by Sonic team, and they are optimized for faster reading to reduce loading times ingame.

For now, let’s focus on the visual terrain of the stage. Sonic Team stores that in _trr_s## files, of which we have one here: w03a10_trr_s00.pac!

To open it, we use HedgeArcPack. Simply drag and drop the w03a10_trr_s00.pac onto HedgeArcPack.exe and voilá! Now we can access the files inside!

But before we continue, you should copy the unpacked directory to your mod directory- but not just into the mod directory itself! It should be put inside the same relative directory to the raw directory! Create the directories necessary in your mods raw directory, and then copy the unpacked w03a10_trr_s00 directory into it:


Where to copy the unpacked directory

Part 2: Importing the files into blender

Next, we should import the terrain files into blender, but which files actually belong to the terrain? Well:

  • .terrain-model: Stores models exclusively used for terrain geometry

  • .model: Geometry that, while usually reserved for interactive objects, may also be used for stage terrain.

  • .material: Geometry material information

  • .dds: Image textures

  • .pcmodel: “Point clouds” that store which models are placed where in the stage.

Importing stage geometry

While each of these can be loaded individually, we are interested in the .pcmodel files. So let’s try importing one into blender!

First, make sure your blender project scene has the correct target game of Shadow Generations:


Where to change the target game

Next make sure you can see the console output! You will find out why later:


How to toggle the console

Now open the .pcmodel importer:


Where to find the point cloud importer

There, navigate to the originally unpacked w03a10_trr_s00 directory, NOT THE COPY IN YOUR MOD; You should find multiple .pcmodel files, and while HEIO can import multiple at once, we should import just two for now.

Choose the files w03a10_s15_place_near.pcmodel and w03a10_s15_course.pcmodel and confirm.

The import process may take a while, which is what we opened the console for: HEIO prints a status bar to the console to make waiting a bit more bearable:


The importer status in the console

Once the importer is finished you are met with- Wait, what is that? 10 Files could not be found? Oh no! What now??

Working with dependencies

After importing, you will (probably) be met with a text popup that says the following:

10 files could not be found.
(You can attempt to reimport images using the "Reimport missing images" operator found in the viewport tools)

Some files may be located in the following archives and need to be unpacked:
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SONIC_X_SHADOW_GENERATIONS\image\x64\raw\stage\w03a10\w03a10_trr_cmn.pac

List of unresolved files:

2 images are streamed and could not be loaded, either because the streaming package (.ntsp file) was not found, or because the streaming package does not contain the texture that is being looked for.
Please make sure that the NTSP filepath in the addon configuration is correctly set.
You can attempt to reimport images using the "Reimport missing images" operator found in the viewport tools.

Following streaming packages were not found altogether:

List of missing streamed images:

Unfortunately, importing the stage won’t be that simple. Not all files for the stage are in a single .pac archive, and some images are streamed.

Fortunately, HEIO tells us exactly what we need to do: w03a10_trr_s00.pac contains a dependency to w03a10_trr_cmn.pac, the solution? Unpack it too!

Go back to the directory where you unpacked w03a10_trr_s00.pac and unpack w03a10_trr_cmn.pac too.

This will now find all missing files for w03a10_s15_place_near.pcmodel, but some terrain models use materials even higher up in the dependency tree. To avoid constantly reimporting, open the !DEPENDENCIES.txt file inside w03a10_trr_cmn:


As you can see, it references w03_common.pac that is found a directory further up. Let’s unpack that too! And inside there, you will see it depends on EffectCommon, but we can ignore that, as it is for effect textures, which the stage geometry does not use.

Lets revert our previous import with CTRL + Z and import the two .pcmodel files again! Aaaaaand… Oh no! we still could not load some images! Is the addon broken??

Loading streamed textures

No, the addon is working just as it should, we just forgot to set up texture streaming.

To reduce time spent reading many medium sized files, Shadow Generations stores many textures inside texture streaming packages. You can find them in the image/x64/raw/texture_streaming directory:


The texture streaming directory

In order for HEIO to load them, all we need to do is open the addon preferences and fill the path to the texture_streaming directory into the NTSP Directory property for Shadow Generations:


Where to find the addon preferences

Now, all we need to do is run the Reimport missing images operator inside the w03a10_trr_s00 directory:


Where to find the reimport missing images operator

After it has finished running, there should be no popup, which means all relevant files were imported now! Hooray!

Part 3: Editing the stage terrain

Now that we have everything we need, lets do some editing!

Blender preview

But first, let’s look at the imported stage in all it’s glory by enabling viewport shading. Doing so will reveal some weird, textureless geometry that is not seen ingame:


Texturesless geometry that is not visible ingame

As you can see, they match the rough shape of the rock cliffs, which has a good reason: The actual cliffs are configured to not cast shadows, which is instead done using this “shadow caster” geometry!


If you want to hide them, or put them in a sub-collection (which HEIO allows) then you can do so easily; All of these (should) have the same material, which means you can select one of them and then automatically select the rest by using Select ‣ Select Linked ‣ Material:


Where to find the select linked operator

Placing terrain

Let’s try placing terrain now! How about we copy and paste one of the towers at the beginning?

Select these 4 objects (there is a shadowcaster object hidden inside the top object):


The objects to select

Now duplicate them using the Duplicate Linked operator (ALT + D) so that we reuse the same terrain models and place them right after the previous tower in the stage:


The duplicated geometry moved to a new position

Bringing the changes to the game

Next, let’s bring this new tower to the game, shall we?

First, you must create a new collection with the name PCMODEL Collections and move the two imported collections into it:


How to organize the collections

Next, set up a collection exporter on the PCMODEL Collections collection that uses the Collections as HE Point clouds exporter:


How to create the collection exporter

You will want to configure two things in the exporter:

  1. The filepath should point to a dummy.pcmodel files in your mods w03a10_trr_s00 directory. This file won’t actually be exported, but blender demands you input the path to a file for the exporter to work, so we abide by that demand.

  2. Disable Write Resources in the Point Cloud panel. This prevents any .terrain-model files and similar from being written, and only actually writes the .pcmodel files. We do this because we did not actually modify or add any new terrain models, and so we can save ourselves the time of exporting those again and just use the ones already in the directory.


How the exporter should roughly look

Once it’s set up, hit Export All! This should take less than a second.

You can verify whether the .pcmodel files have been written by going to the export directory and sorting by the last-changed-date:


The exported files

Preparing the files for the mod

One more step that we need to do to get the changes working ingame: We have to convert the directory back into a .pac file. Nothing easier than that! Simply drag & drop the w03a10_trr_s00 in your mod directory onto HedgeArcPack.exe!

A console window will open and ask you which archive type to use, for which we use sxsg. Once entered, press enter, and the program will do its thing. After a second, you should have a fresh w03a10_trr_s00.pac file.

Testing the mod

That’s it now! Start the HedgeModManager, enable the mod, and make your way into Kingdom Valley Act 1, where you should see this:


The duplicated tower object ingame

However, once you try to land on it, you promptly fall through… what went wrong? Where is the collision?

Part 4: Editing the stage collision

Stage collision is stored in different files from stage terrain, using .btmesh and .pccol files instead.

Importing the collision files

The steps here are very similar to those before:

  1. Go to the original w03a10 directory

  2. Stage collision is stored in _misc archives, so unpack w03a10_misc.pac

  3. Copy the unpacked directory to your mods w03a10 directory for later.

  4. In your blender project, create a new PCCOL Collections collection and select it

  5. Open the point cloud importer again

  6. Import the w03a10_s15_place_near.pccol and w03a10_s15_course.pccol files from the unpacked w03a10_misc directory

After importing, we have a small problem: These collections have the same name as the .pcmodel collections! What now?

The answer is simple: add a .pcmodel to the name of the terrain collections, and replace the .001 of the collision collections with a .pccol. HEIO will not include those extensions when exporting later:


How the collections should now be set up

Editing the collision

First, you should hide the PCMODEL collection, so that we can look at the collision unobstructed. Doing so, we noticed an issue… Almost all of the collision geometry is one big mesh!

While you can edit the mesh as is, there is an easier way: We can split the mesh up by its “shapes” using the “Split mesh by groups” operator:


Where to find the “Split mesh by groups” operator

To use it, simply select the big collision object with the name w03a10_s15_col, then click the split operator and confirm the popup.

To make distinguishing between the different shapes easier you can change the viewport color mode to Random, which will give every object a different color:


The random color mode in action

Now we can simply duplicate the collision responsible for the tower and move it over to where our duplicated terrain tower is!


If you want to have the collision properly aligned with the terrain:

  1. delete the old duplicated tower

  2. select both the collision and terrain objects for the tower

  3. link-duplicate them at the same time

  4. move them over again

Et voilá, now the tower collision should stand!


The duplicated tower collision


You won’t have to merge the collision back together, it works as is! But if you want to merge it, do so using the merge operator (found right below the split operator).


If you are interested in learning more about how collision models work and why you can split them, then you can read the HEIO Collision mesh editing guide.

Setting up the exporter

Now, just like for the terrain, set up a collection exporter for the PCCOL parent collection.

Make sure that the filepath points to dummy.pccol in your mods w03a10_misc directory and to set the Collection Type tp Collision.

This time however, we want to leave Write Resources enabled, as we modified a mesh itself and not the pcmodel file! Fortunately, exporting collision meshes does not occupy much time, which is why we can do that without worry:


How the exporter should roughly look

Now press Export All. Now several files in your output directory should have been exporter:


The exported files


You can trigger all collection exporters at once using the Export All Collections operator in the File menu, right below the Export submenu.

Testing the mod again

Once again, time to test the mod! Convert the w03a10_misc directory to a .pac (and the w03a10_trr_s00 directory too, if you changed where the tower terrain was placed), start the game and boot into the stage.

This time, upon jumping on the tower, you should not fall through:


Standing on the duplicated tower object ingame

Part 5: Adding custom terrain and collision

Time to get really spicy by adding our own terrain and collision models!

The terrain model

Let’s start with the terrain by adding our beloved Suzanne: Place the cursor on the duplicated tower and add a new monkey model. Add a subdivision surface modifier to it to make it nice and smooth. Make sure that the object is part of your w03a10_s15_place_near.pcmodel collection!

Next, we need to configure some SCA parameters so the model casts and receives shadows ingame. Open the objects mesh properties, in which you open the HEIO Mesh Properties panel, in which you open the SCA Parameters subpanel.

This subpanel has a list and 5 buttons to the right. Press the button at the very bottom and select the ShadowCa preset and confirm. The new SCA parameter should appear in the list with a checkbox; Toggle the checkbox on. This enables Shadow casting for the object.

Do the same for the ShadowRe preset, which enabled Shadow receiving.


How the SCA parameters should look after setting them up.

The terrain material

Next, add a material to Suzanne and name it Suzanne. In this new material, open the HEIO Material Properties panel and disable the Custom Shader property. This will exchange the shader text field with a dropdown. In that dropdown select Common_d, which is a very simple PBR shader. Once switched press the Setup/Update Nodes button to enable material previewing in blender.

Right now the material appears completely black - this happens because we don’t have a texture. Create a new texture in the Texture Paint workspace, name it Suzanne_abd, make it 16x16, uncheck Alpha and give it a color of your choice - i will use red:


How to create the texture


If you name your image after the object like Suzanne it will be used as the lightmap!

This also happens when you name it after the object + _ao, like Suzanne_ao, in which case the image gets used for the ambient occlusion lightmap!

Now open the DDS settings (provided by the DDS addon; hopefully you installed it in part 0!) and change the DXGI format to BC1_UNORM:


Where to find the DDS settings

With the texture set up, go back to the HEIO material properties panel, open the textures subpanel and select the diffuse texture. With it selected, click on the Image box below the list and select your freshly created Suzanne texture.

Somehow, the model is still black; That is because the model has no vertex colors. Go into the mesh properties, open the color attributes subpanel and create a new, white color attribute that uses byte colors:


Where to add the vertex color attribute

Now the model should be the color of your texture!

Go back into the HEIO Material Properties panel, open the General subpanel and change the Render Layer to Opaque (using automatic would export with Transparent, which we don’t want).

Also make sure to enable backface culling (improves performance).

Next, open the Parameters subpanel and select the PBRFactor entry at the bottom of the list. This has 4 values:

  1. Specular

  2. Smoothness

  3. Metallic

  4. and an unused one.

Why don’t we go with a shiny plastic look? Use 0.125 for specular (which is usually considered standard and physically accurate) and 0.8 for smoothness. Nice, now the model looks (somewhat) like plastic!


How i made my suzanne look


My material settings

Exporting the terrain-model

To avoid spending unnecessary time exporting all models in the stage, lets export this model on its own (exporting the imported textures would take forever!).

Select the Suzanne object (and only Suzanne!), then open the terrain-model exporter:


Where to find the terrain-model exporter

In the exporter properties enable Limit to Selected Objects:


How to change which objects to include in the exporter

Now navigate to your mods w03a10_trr_s00 directory and confirm. This should now create

  • A Suzanne.terrain-model file

  • A Suzanne.material file

  • A Suzanne_abd.dds file


The exported files

Now run the PCMODEL Collections colletion exporter. The terrain part is done!

The collision mesh

Now all that is missing is the collision mesh!

Select your terrain Suzanne and duplicate it (not linked). Move the duplicate over to the w03a10_s15_place_near.pccol collection.

Rename the object to Suzanne_col, and rename its mesh data to Suzanne_col too:


The suzanne collision model setup

Next remove the subdivision surface modifier, as well as the material.

What we need to do now determines how Shadow interacts with the collision: In the mesh properties open the HEIO Mesh properties panel again, and in there open the Groups subpanel.

Press the Initialize mesh info button and change the Collision layer of the freshly created group to Solid to make it a solid collision mesh:


The group with its collision layer

Next open the Collision Types subpanel and initialize the mesh info here too. Clck on the list entry and select Earth - this determines the footstep sounds and particles when interacting with the collision. There Unfortunately is no “plastic” type, which is why we settle for earth.

That’s it! Now run the PCCOL Exporter!

The final test ingame

As per usual, pack both directories in your mod again and boot up the stage ingame. Suzanne should be right there, and we can interact with her too:


Suzanne ingame

Part 6: You’re done! Now what?

Congratulations! You have learned the basics of Shadow Generations stage modding! Most of this translates to Sonic Frontiers stage modding too!

If you want to learn more about how HEIO works, check out the Guides section!

I recommend you look at stage models, their materials and other related things to see how they are set up as reference for your own mods!

With that said, i hope you found this tutorial helpful! If you still have questions you can join the Hedgehog Engine Modding Discord Server.