Material Properties



Properties ‣ Material Properties ‣ HEIO Material

Custom Shader

If checked, all material properties can be fully customized, without being tied to a pre-defined shader from the target game

Show All Shaders

Most target games have over 100 shaders, many of which are for very niche use cases and will only rarely need to be used. For each game, a hand picked list of shaders is displayed by default, which should suffice for most users.

Enable this property to show all shaders, instead of just the handpicked subset.


The shader subsets were automatically picked based on how often they were used in their respective games, without experience on which actually get used by most modders.

If you have a better list of shaders to display by default, create an issue with the list (optimally explaining what each shader is used for) and we will see about adjusting the addon


Every material specified the shader it uses by its name, which determine how the parameters and textures get used to render it ingame.

When the material uses a custom shader, then shader is an editable text. Otherwise, it’s a dropdown with shaders specified for the targeted game.


Changing the shader via the dropdown will add needed and remove unneeded parameters and textures.


Some shaders, primarily from Hedgehog Engine 1 games, had several variations per shader to use which enabled different features, such as enabling bone deformation.

When the material uses a custom shader, then the shader properties will be an editable text. Otherwise, depending on whether the selected shader has any variants, you it’s a dropdown.

Setup/Update Nodes

When pressed, the addon will look up the shader (+ variant) in the target games material templates and set it up accordingly for the material.



The mesh layer to exporting a model. This is a property that is not actually tied to materials, but to mesh-sets of a model, but since blender has nothing like mesh-sets, the layer gets derived from materials on export.

If set to automatic the layer will be taken from the selected shader. If the shader is not defined by the targeted game, Opaque will be used.

Clip Threshold

The default clip threshold property added here for convenience.

Backface Culling

The default backface culling property added here for convenience.

Use additive blending

Will render the material using additive blending, instead of normal blending.
